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Order Glenville: Hell's Homecoming ($16.00) - FREE SHIPPING!

"...sprinkling of spooky video effects and a nicely arty but very confusing conclusion."
"I continue to be amazed and impressed by what it's possible to create with essentially no budget. Even more so with this movie, which was not only better filmed in the "seeing and understanding the actors" sense, but also in the "visual style" sense. The bit at the end with the blond guy who bore a striking resemblance to Mia Farrow (due to a pixie-ish haircut and a slightly woman-y turtleneck) was especially lovely. The synthesizer of suspensefulness even worked most of the time..."
"...really am impressed with what [the director] accomplished"
-Barbara May, Theyrecoming.com


An ex-mental patient seeks asylum from the awful nightmares he has been having about a series of massacres in a small town five years earlier. Two private detectives are on his trail, especially after his roommate goes missing. A mysterious phone call & a cloaked figure will unearth a dark secret too horrifying to even fathom...
LIMITED COLLECTOR'S EDITION signed by director Anthony Spadaccini. This is a special, uncut version with a 4-minute gay sex scene, lots of nudity, and graphic blood & gore.
2-disc special edition with full-length audio commentary by director/writer/producer Anthony Spadaccini, a behind-the-scenes picture gallery, and trailer.

Order Glenville: Hell's Homecoming ($16.00) - FREE SHIPPING

If you have any questions, email FleetStreetFilms@comcast.net

Order Glenville: Hell's Homecoming